Overwiew Vim is a highly configurable text editor renowned for its efficiency and power. It’s built to enable efficient text editing, making it a popular choice for developers and system administrators.
In this post, I put the commands that I use the most, but I also recommend this interactive Vim tutorial
Open Vim To open vim, simply type the following in the command-line
vim <path/to/file> where <path/to/file> can be the path of any text-based file.
Regular expressions (regex) are powerful string matching tools that use pattern-matching techniques for complex searching and manipulating. They occur across many programming languages, but also dominate command-line text-processing tools such as sed and awk in Unix-like systems.
What are Regular Expressions? Regular expressions are a sequence of characters representing a search pattern. This pattern can be used within string searching algorithms to “find” or “find and …
You can submit scripts to run in Roar collab. Each script is called a job and you submit a job by providing a batch script to the SLURM scheduler. This script contains the resource specifications that your program needs to run.
Step 1: Create a job submit script. Below is an example of such file, called job_submit.sh.
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4 #SBATCH --time=1:00:00 #SBATCH --mem=1GB #SBATCH --job-name=job_test #SBATCH --output=output_%j.log #SBATCH …
What is the Command Line? The command line, also known as a terminal or a shell, is a text-based interface that allows you to interact directly with your computer’s operating system. It enables you to instruct your computer explicitly what tasks to perform.
High Performance Computing (HPC) This direct contact becomes essential when working with high-performance computing (HPC) clusters, such as Roar Collab. Although Roar Collab operates on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and may sometimes allow …